Physical description

Two books and a photocopied document highlighting rainfall in the Belgrave South area from 1955 and from 1958 to 2017. Contains:

-Pass book from the Orange branch of the Bank of New South Wales, owned by Harold Gibson. Whilst recording some banking details, it also features the rainfall data of Belgrave South (26 Mt Morton Rd) in 1955 (on a separate piece of paper), and from 1958 to 1965. All rainfall is measured in points. Rainfall recorded by Helen Gibson.

-Small notebook from Helen Gibson, which records the rainfall of Belgrave South (likely Mt Morton Rd) from January 1966 to December 1999. Also includes a newspaper article titled "Long Range Forecasts". All rainfall is measured in points.

-47 photocopied rainfall charts, which include:
*Rainfall registration charts owned by Ian Stocks, charting rainfall between 14th April 1968 and 5th October 1981. Also features two copies of rainfall charts that document rainfall from 1977-1984 (which measures rainfall in inches). Rainfall measured in points. Also features a handwritten note to Susan from Bert, dated 10/10/2016, discussing Ian's charts.

*Rainfall charts owned by Susan Heywood-Downard, dating from 1989 to 2017. Two dating from 1989 to 1990, are handwritten. Every other chart from 1991 until 2017 is a filled in copy of a rainfall registration chart. Contains two copies of a rainfall registration chart from 1997. Also features a larger piece of paper documenting monthly rainfall from 1989 to 2014, and one chart documenting the monthly average maximum and minimum 24 hour temperatures between January 1995 and December 2014. Rainfall in all these charts are measured in mm