Historical information
Connected with the Wieland Family. Ruby's sister Thelma married Stan Wieland.
Physical description
Hand written letters from Harker relations in England. dated 28/12/1953, 25/11/1962, 15/10/1975
Connected with the Wieland Family. Ruby's sister Thelma married Stan Wieland.
Hand written letters from Harker relations in England. dated 28/12/1953, 25/11/1962, 15/10/1975
Parent Record for Archive collection of photographs and documents relating to Wieland Family of Heathmont
Wieland Genealogy of Carl Ferdinand Wieland and Caroline Christensen married 11/11/1874 Hawthorn
The Wieland family were orcharding pioneers in Ringwood., Carl Ferdinand Wieland arrived in Heathmont in 1872 where he took up 50 acres, 37 perches of Crown Land.for the cost of 49 pounds.
Typed pages , photographs,family group records all collected for the book.
Ruby and Archie were connected to the Wieland family through the marriage of Ruby's sister Amy to Stan Wieland
Collection of business letters between Archie at Wm. Bedford in Melbourne, where he was Joint Manager and Company Secretary. And the Author Artur Upfield when he worked in Heinemann Press
material for Wieland book
Maroon spiral binder with photographs, cerificates , hand written family trees collected for the published book.
Collection of pages (originally in a blue plastic binder labelled "Wieland History"). Includes various trees with Car WIELAND at the head, His oath of Memorialist, Oath of Allegiance, Marriage Certificates and a short typed biography of Raymond Stanley WIELAND
Wieland Family were early Orchardists in the Heathmont area.
1. Photograph of the Wieland's old horse paddock now Wieland Park' 2. Photograph of the Plaque with Stanley Wieland's image and text of the history of the reserve formerly the horse paddock and dam. 3.Photograph of the. Old house site
2 two page email letters between Don Talbot and his sister Dorothy in Winchester Uk.
Archie Harker and Ruby Wilson (whose sister Amy married Stan Wieland) conducted their courtship between England and Melbourne.in the early 1930s.
Colection of letters from The Myer Emporium to Archie Harker and 4 receipts for goods bought. 1 receipt for pearl necklet from Ciro Pearls , Cheapside London. !
Stanley Wieland took over the property called "Fairview" at the corner of Dickasons Road and Canterbury Road, Heathmont after his Father's death in 1945. He married Thelma Wilson in 1930. Their daughter Pat wrote the Wieland History with her husband Don Talbot.
Architect's plan on heavy blue paper for residence at Balfour Avenue , Heathmont
Ruby Wilson was related to the Wieland family through the marriage of her sister Thelma to Stan Wieland.
55 photos taken in the Grampians. Black and white prints. Plus 1 colour. Scanned in groups as too many to scan individually. A number have annotations written on the back. These are mostly photos of Ruby.
Ruby and Archie moved to Mont Albert and this was teir first house. They were married in 1937.
4 x Black and whitephotos of Ruby at her house in Mont Albert
On the back of one photo: "Grang St Mt Albert / Jack and Ruby's 1st house". This probably refers to Grange St Mont Albert. (Street No not given)
Archie and Ruby Harker were connected to the Wieland Family through Ruby's sister Thelma who married Stan Wieland. Archie did well in the printung company he worked for and was a Manager.
6 Black and white photos of the Harker house and garden and 38 coloured photos of rooms and particularly the chandeliers and ceilings. (Scanned as groups of 3 or 4 photos due to the number)
Ernest Ferdinand Wieland was Carl's son and one of the earliest pupils at BayswaterSchool . The title of the property was transferred to him on his father's death in 1904..
Cardboard cylinder with partial Paris address with" boutique de portrait " on it and partial hand written address with "Tasma" just visible.Inside a sepia portrait of possibly Ernest Ferdinand Wieland as a young man. Dated 1903.
Certificate and letter between members of the Wallop family in an attempt to find out if the Harker /Wilson Archie and Ruby , are related to them and the Earl of Portsmouth. Ruby is the connection with the Wieland Family.
Original scroll pertaining to the Earl of Portsmouth in England, and a printed photocopy. Letter on blue airmail paper with family tree. Tha aim is to find a connection with this family and the Harked / Wilson part of the Wieland Family. All contained within PostPak cyclinder.
Amy Ellen Wieland (Thelma) ( nee Wilson) lived at "Stanley Park' with her daughter Pat Talbot for 2 years before retiring to Ballarat wher she died in 1999.
Death certificate on blue paper with black printing Certificate of cremation on buff coloured paper with black printing.Also a letter on paper headed Byrne , Jones and Torney, Barristers and Solicitors to Pat and Don Talbot sending them the two certificates..
Envelope has note: Thelma Wieland's estate and Alan Wieland's Will, but does not contain the will.
Alan Wieland was ummarried and left his estate to his nephew Raymond Wieland, his niece Pat Talbot and several others.including the Christian Blind Mission International in Kew, melbourne.
5 pages of type with Yuncken and Yuncken Solicitors heading. including a letter to the Talbots. One page typed letter from Pat and Don Talbot to Yuncken and Yuncken re same will.
Ruby Wilson was related to the Wieland family through the marriage of her sister Amy Ellen Thelma to Stanley Wieland.
Blue covered book with black stenciled picture of gum tree , koala , kangaroo and kookaburras.All pages filled with hand writing and drawn pictures In ink on back the name Wilson.
Ruby Wilson was related to the Wieland family through the marriage of her sister Amy Thelma to Stanley Wieland
Three grey covered drawing books, two full, the third with the back page missing and two empty pages.
Ruby married Archie Harker. They lived laterly in Grange Street Mont Albert.
6 various coloured papers tax assessments in a buff coloured envelpe from the Taxation Office Commonwealth of Australia.
Archie Harker worked for a publishing Company for several years. He was engaged to Ruby Wilson and married her in 1937 after arriving in Australia on board the' Oronsay'. They conducted their courtship by letter . He in England and Ruby in Mitcham. The hand written story is very hard to decipher and several of the pages are torn. Archie did well and eventually he and Ruby lived in Mont Albert in a very nice house of which there are many photographs in the memorabilia collection of the Wieland family.
7 hand written pages on lined paper enclosed in brown paper.
Ruby Harker was Amy Thelma Wielands sister. The Certificates are in an envelope addressed to Mre. J.A. Harker 16, B, Churchill street , Mont Albert. Ruby's sister also lived in Churchill Street at one time after their house in Heathmont burnt down..
2 buff coloured Cards with blue printing and the Box hill Horicultural Society crest at top. In a brown envelope with he address 16 B Churchill Street , Mont Albert. E 10. No post mark.
thelma Wieland went to live in Queensland with her daughter ,Pat , and son-in-law Don Talbot. They started a pig farm but there was some friction between the families and Thelma left and returned to live in Ballarat. Her son Ray lived with her in Queensland.
3 lined pages of hand written poetry, by Thelma Wieland.
Paper included in Ruby Harker's collection. She won First Prize in the 1963 Chrisanthemum Flower Show in two categories.
Buff coloured broadsheet newspaper . 6 pages.
Catherine Ruby Wilson married Archie Harker and this family tree was found in his papers.
Hand written family tree of the Bakers and Wilsons.
. Archie Harker worked in a publishing so would have had an interest in literary figures.
1. Page listing the works of Sir Walter Scott. 2. Hand written page with Christies Auctions of 1, Darling Street South Yarra and some Scott details. 3.Printed page from newspaper (undated or named) notes about Scott in article titled Education Briefs. Query - of no relevance to RDHS?
Carl Wieland's brothers Frederick John, Harry, and Johann (John) left Berlin after him fleeing from religious persecution . Their story is told in part in the Wieland's of Heathmont book by Don and Pat Talbot.
Hand written family tree of Carl Wieland's brothers who left Berlin after him. Buff coloured plain paper with pencil writing.
Ruby was Jack (Archie'S) wife who died in 2000. She was buried in Box Hill Cemetery but when Jack died a year later he could not be nuried with Ruby as he wished. So Shirley, who wrote the letter, related how the problem was solved by cremating Jack and then placing the ashes with Ruby. The Talbots lived in Queensland.
3 pages hand written on heavy pink paper. No date or address which has been cut off.right hand corner page one.
Ruby Wilson wrote to an English paper asking for a pen friend in 1930. John Archibald (Archie) Harker answered her request and thus started a long correspondence between the couple.eventuating in Archie sending Ruby an engagement ring. in July 1931. The correspondence continued till Archie came to Melbourne in June 1933 on the" Oronsay" and they married in December 1937. 280 letters in all. Ruby's elder sister Amy Thelma married Stanley Wieland thus placing the couple in the Wieland family and their story is in the Wieland's of Heathmont book by Pat and Don Talbot.
Large number of personal letters, separated into pockets - letters written on lined note paper from Archie Harker to Ruby Wilson. Some postcards. Due to the private nature of these letters, they have not all been scanned and will not be made public. They can be inspected by appointment at the RDHS Archives
One of the Baker Granddaughter Amy Thelma married Stanley Wieland and this document is on page 84 of the book "Wiielands of Heathmont.
Picture of Sailing ship Australia Bound . Hearts of oak in oaken ships. Founders of Australia.who arrived prior to 1866.
In Commemoration of the Founders of Australian branch of this family. Recorded in the book "Founders of Australia".by Mrs. E.A. Butterworth (Granddaughter) added later in ink Name John and Anne Baker and 5 children Where from London Ship Omega Port of Arrival; Port Henry , Geelong Year 1850
Archie Harker married Ruby Baker whose sister Thelma married Stanley Wieland and they are mentioned in the book "Wieland's of Heathmomt". They are notable for their collection of letters to each other and the memorabilia they retained.including these photographs.
50 Black and White photographs of Archie Harker and friends and postcards of scenes. Scanned in groups
Many of the photos have annottions on the reverse but these were to scanned (except for one postcard)
Ruby Harker (nee Wilson) and friends on holiday in the Grampians and elsewhere, Victoria., and Rockhampton.
28 small Black and white photos of scenic spots in the Grampians in Victoria, Coastline, caves and also Rockhampton Gardens. Ruby and friends. Some have written descriptions on the reverse but no dates. (Scanned in groups of 6). See also VC record 28011 which has more holiday photos of the Grampians etc.
Ruby and Archie were related to the Wielands through Ruby's Sister Thelma who married Stan Wieland .
Black and white photo of Archie and Ruby Harker
Archie and Ruby scratched on back of original backing board (discarded)
Ruby and Archie with two young people
Coloured photograph of the harkers and two teenagers
Found among the Wieland memorabilia but unknown young man.
Small black and white photograph of young man on glass made in London but name mostly rubbed off.
Very badly rubbed London address and name of studio.
These notes were used extensively in the book the "Wielands of Heathmont", pages 18 and 19, written by Pat Talbot and her husband Don. The notes tell how in 1922 a Railway League was formed with Herman Pump as chairman. The Wieland brothers used their horses and plough in 1926 to help build the Heathmont station. Pat was the-great -Granddaughter of Carl Wieland. The notes also include the Heathmont Information League.
Short history typed and handwritten of Heathmont Railway station 1889-1927 among other notes for the Wieland history.written by Pat Talbot (nee Wieland). Large pad of note pages.
Ticket found within overseas Trip photographs
Small gray ticket for Imperial Airways Limied. Year Unknown but possibly 1930's
Passenger FLight by AImperial AIrways Limited in a Multi-engined Air Liner in use on the Continental Air Services Valid for One Flight 10/6 per Passenger
Postcard with photogrpah of House, with Harry standing in the door way, and two hand drawn cat sketches on the roof
See image of reverse of postcard
3 Black and White and 1 sepia photographs from Harry to Ruby Wilson.
23043-001 "WITH MUCH LOVE FROM HARRY" 23043-002 'To Ruby, my "Aussie" girlfriend, From Harry' (Taken by Charles Howell, Photographer, Blackpool and Belfast and dated 9 Sep 1930) 23043-003 "Father in Back Garden" 23043-004 "Height 5'7, Dark Hair, Blue Eyes' 'WIth Love, Harry'
Archie Harker and Ruby Baker conducted their love affair through correspondence betwen England, where Archie lived , and Heathmont where Ruby lived. They became engaged in 1931 and Archie sent Ruby an engagment ring. He came to Australia on the Oronsay and lived in Carlton for a while. They were married in 1937, lived in Mitcham Ruby's sister Amy married Stanley Wieland hence the connection with the Wieland Family
Letters from Archie Harker to Ruby Wilson on his voyage to Australia on the SS Oronsay (part of the Orient Line). One letter sent via Paquebot, and a fan-fold picture letter sheet with letter and shipboard photos sent via Airmail from Perth.
Collection of Letters and war records from large binder labelled "Alan Harold Wieland - story of his side of the family (Wanke). Split into two records 28050 and 28051. This record contains Alan's War Records, 24th AIF Booklet "Red Platypus" (only the cover of this scanned), various letters
Wanke Family History, handwritten, together with shipping and ware records, section on each of his 15 children, land titles including Hillcroft, photographs etc. pdf's 1-6 are in sequence as per the original contents of Lever Arch file. The first 5 parts contain information on the 15 children in sequence.
Printed Family Group Record for Carl Ferdinand WIELAND and Caroline CHRISTENSEN - married 1874 - and their two children Martha and Ernest Ferdinand. Prepared by Glen Turnbull
Two Printed Family Group Records for Ernest Ferdinand WIELAND. The first relates to his marriage in 1903 to Sarah VAUGHAN and their three children (Stanley, Leslie and Norman). The second relates to his marriage in 1911 to Pauline Frances WANKE and their two children Daisy and Alan. Prepared by Glen Turnbull
Collection of A4 photocopies of maps and plans, some with yellow highlighting, showing locations of Wieland properties and house including sub-divisions. Mostly in Heathmont but also Scoresby Most pages are undated and do not have original sources Document 28054 entitled Brian Pump's Orchard and House Locations has notes with maps of various houses with numbers corresponding to those on the included maps and also to those in 28054-003 document
Extracts from Howard McComb’s handwritten notes of the Scoresby North School (Bayswater School) which were taken from original records kept on file at the Public Records Office of Victoria. Undertaken in the late 1970s.
Small brochure by Glide Farrell & Co, real estate and Business Agents, Melbourne advertising "93 Superb Building Blocks 3Mins Station & Shops", and "Sky-Line Views of Heathmont Hills Estate" , comprising lots in Dresden Ave, Doulton Ave, Devon Ave, Viviana Crescent, Leoni Avenue.
A3 photocopy of Death Certificate and certification from Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages Victoria 1988
A4 letter from John L WEILAND in NZ (Note different spelling) t09 Alan WIELAND in Kallista, Victoria with various information about Lutheran Church records and Box Hill Cemetery graves, also electoral roll - mentioning various Wielands and Weilands.
Archir Harker was married to Ruby Wilson and mentioned in the "Wielands of Heathmont "book. From Greg Coker: In August 2023, RDHS asked Greg Coker to scan a set of negatives. He was able to work out, through various notes, that the pictures were taken by J A Harker of 9 Grange St, Mont Albert in the mid 50s to the mid 60s. Most of the film was 9cm X 6cm B&W negatives. All pictures have been cropped and where appropriate, put through a light filter. They have been scanned at 1600ppi resulting in ~3meg B&W shots (~5meg for the half dozen colour shots). The Harkers certainly liked their hiking – they were ahead of their time.
Images scanned from packet of negatives with name of Harker, and receipt dated April 1958. From Andrews Camera Store. (1 copy of each negative ordered) After scanning in 2023 by Greg Coker, the negatives were disposed and just the packet retained. Some photos may be duplciated in other VC Harker/Weiland family records if the original prints were donated. Greg's comments: 1958 – Original Negatives. Marysville Holiday. April 58 was when these were developed, as there was a note on the packet. There is a picture at the top of Woods Point that identifies Marysville.
Your Snapshots, by Andrews Camera Stores, 69-71 Elizabeth St, Melbourne. For Dependable Developing Printing and Enlarging.
Archir Harker was married to Ruby Wilson and mentioned in the "Wielands of Heathmont "book. From Greg Coker: In August 2023, RDHS asked Greg Coker to scan a set of negatives. He was able to work out, through various notes, that the pictures were taken by J A Harker of 9 Grange St, Mont Albert in the mid 50s to the mid 60s. Most of the film was 9cm X 6cm B&W negatives. All pictures have been cropped and where appropriate, put through a light filter. They have been scanned at 1600ppi resulting in ~3meg B&W shots (~5meg for the half dozen colour shots). The Harkers certainly liked their hiking – they were ahead of their time.
Images scanned from Kodak Print packet of negatives, undated. After scanning in 2023 by Greg Coker, the negatives were disposed and just the packet retained. Some photos may be duplicated in other VC Harker/Weiland family records if the original prints were donated. Greg's comments: Early 60s – Original Negatives. Best guess in terms of the date – Mrs Harker looks a touch older. Pictures of Mrs Harker at home with their cat and some mountain ranges, perhaps the other side of the Dandenong’s.
Your Kodak Prints
Archir Harker was married to Ruby Wilson and mentioned in the "Wielands of Heathmont "book. From Greg Coker: In August 2023, RDHS asked Greg Coker to scan a set of negatives. He was able to work out, through various notes, that the pictures were taken by J A Harker of 9 Grange St, Mont Albert in the mid 50s to the mid 60s. Most of the film was 9cm X 6cm B&W negatives. All pictures have been cropped and where appropriate, put through a light filter. They have been scanned at 1600ppi resulting in ~3meg B&W shots (~5meg for the half dozen colour shots). The Harkers certainly liked their hiking – they were ahead of their time.
Images scanned from R&K Developing and Printing Services packet of negatives, undated. After scanning in 2023 by Greg Coker, the negatives were disposed and just the packet retained. Some photos may be duplicated in other VC Harker/Weiland family records if the original prints were donated. Greg's comments: Early 60s – Original Negatives. Sea side holiday and valley views The date is best guess. Mrs Harker looks around the same age as the 1958 set. There is a prominent lighthouse in shot – that may help identify where the holiday was. I suspect the valley may be near it.
Reverse of packet includes Printing and Developing Price List
Archir Harker was married to Ruby Wilson and mentioned in the "Wielands of Heathmont "book. From Greg Coker: In August 2023, RDHS asked Greg Coker to scan a set of negatives. He was able to work out, through various notes, that the pictures were taken by J A Harker of 9 Grange St, Mont Albert in the mid 50s to the mid 60s. Most of the film was 9cm X 6cm B&W negatives. All pictures have been cropped and where appropriate, put through a light filter. They have been scanned at 1600ppi resulting in ~3meg B&W shots (~5meg for the half dozen colour shots). The Harkers certainly liked their hiking – they were ahead of their time.
Images scanned from The Block Pharmacy packet of negatives, undated. After scanning in 2023 by Greg Coker, the negatives were disposed and just the packet retained. Some photos may be duplicated in other VC Harker/Weiland family records if the original prints were donated. Greg's comments: Mid 50s – Original B&W negatives; Seems to be a set of holiday snaps in mountain country – the Grampians I think.
Your Snapshots by The Block Pharmacy (J.H. Beyer Ph.C, M.P.S.), 102 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne C1. Telephone MF 1380
Archir Harker was married to Ruby Wilson and mentioned in the "Wielands of Heathmont "book. From Greg Coker: In August 2023, RDHS asked Greg Coker to scan a set of negatives. He was able to work out, through various notes, that the pictures were taken by J A Harker of 9 Grange St, Mont Albert in the mid 50s to the mid 60s. Most of the film was 9cm X 6cm B&W negatives. All pictures have been cropped and where appropriate, put through a light filter. They have been scanned at 1600ppi resulting in ~3meg B&W shots (~5meg for the half dozen colour shots). The Harkers certainly liked their hiking – they were ahead of their time.
Images scanned from Kodakl packet of negatives, undated. After scanning in 2023 by Greg Coker, the negatives and packet were. Some photos may be duplicated in other VC Harker/Weiland family records if the original prints were donated. Greg's comments: Early 50s to Mid 60s – Original colour & B&W negatives Largest packet of negatives with multiple sets clearly combined in this one envelop These were made up of: - 8 colour 9X6cm negatives – late 60s - ~40 B&W 9X6cm negatives – Early - late 50s - 3 large B&W 12x9cm negatives – Mid 50s Most of the pictures in this set are portraits pictures of Mr or Mrs Harker. Many in the front and back yards of 9 Grange street, Mont Albert. A few negatives of Phillip Island here also (Identified the Nobbies).
Kodacolor Prints.