Historical information

Miss Olive Codling was a Foundation Member and a Life Member of the Wodonga Historical Society. Many of her prize-winning photos are held in the Society Collection, including a series of photos of buildings in High Street (formerly Sydney Road), Wodonga.

The CWA Hall officially opened in 1938 having been built on land granted by the Wodonga Council. Wodonga Infant Welfare Centre also occupied part of the building until 1959. Last meeting of the CWA in that hall was in held in December 1983, with the Council resuming ownership of the land to build the current day Post Office.
Country Fire Brigade’s new fire station opened in High Street on 31st March 1940. The building comprised an appliance room for housing the fire engine and plant. The floor had been especially treated to enable dancing when the occasion warranted. There was a meeting room, a station-keeper’s bedroom and a repair shop. A shower room and modern kitchen were also included.
The Fire station relocated to Smythe and Stanley Street corner which opened in 1977. They have now relocated to Thomas Mitchell Drive, Wodonga.


This photo collection is significant as it documents how the businesses and buildings in Wodonga have evolved and contributed to community throughout the 20th century.

Physical description

A series of black and white photos depicting the Fire Station and CWA hall located in High Street, Wodonga C1940 - 1983