Historical information

Annual report of the Association for the Advancement of the Blind outlined activities and events over the year, including membership of 299, 1000 visits were paid during the year, the Public Works department erected a set of steps from the top of the cliff to the sands so that Home residents may be able to access the beach, Railway Permits will now also be honoured on the Prahran-Malvern Electric Tramway and Bay Excursion Steamers, a concert party toured to Egerton, Ballan, Bacchus Marsh, Myrniong and Toolern Vale for the dual purpose of raising awareness and funds for the Association, Mr A Solomon has been appointed as a second Collector to visit Country Towns and with the support of the wife of the Minister for Public Works, Miss Aston and Miss Munce waited on the Lady Mayoress of Melbourne, gave her full support to organise a fund to purchase the land and buildings in Mair Street for the Association.

Physical description

1 volume of printed material with some illustrations