Film, "From School to School" - Promotional Tape of Schools in Ringwood, 1988. Made for Rotary by Tintern C.E.G.G.S

Physical description

DVD Copy of VHS Tape promoting scools in Ringwood. Both VHS tape and DVD copy were donated, but the tape was disposed after confirmng DVD was faithful copy. The .VOB file was copeid from the DVD and saved as an .MP4 file which is available for viewing in the RDHS Archives, as is the original DVD.

Inscriptions & markings

Credits state:
"Made with the co-operation and assistance of the following schools:
Heathmont High School
Norwood High School
Parkwood High School
Ringwood High School
Ringwood Techncal School
Tintern C.E.G.G.S."
Next screen credit is:
"Made on behalf of Ringwood Rotary by Tintern C.E.G.G.S."

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