Historical information

This container of 11 boxes of safety matches would have been a common item in a household during the first half of the 20th century and would have been used for the safe lighting of lamps, candles, room heating (fires), bath heaters, cigarettes, pipes etc. Safety matches came into use in the first half of the 19th century and the safety aspects have been improved after that time. Safety matches are still used today - for instance, when camping or in times of power failure.


These matches are of interest as an example of household items in common use in the past.

Physical description

These are eleven boxes of safety matches (one box missing) wrapped in a buff-coloured paper cover with a label in red, blue and white colours with printing and an image of a dark-haired woman set against a white flame. Each box contains about 60 matches with a label similar to the one on the outside packaging. The matches are wooden with pink tips. The boxes have a rough surface on the side acting as a striking mechanism. The back of each box has a message containing some thoughts from thinkers and philosophers from the past.

Inscriptions & markings

Ever-Brite Safety Matches