Physical description

1. B & W portrait of an Australian Soldier standing to attention. At his side, he has a leather bandolier. He is wearing a slouch hat with emu feathers. He has leather leggings. His rifle appears to be a long Lee Enfield.
2. Portrait of 2 diggers super-imposed on map of Australia. Behind them are the British and Australian flags.
3.Portrait of a couple. The soldier is standing, the young lady is seated on a wooden chair. The man is in uniform, hat in hand. The lady has a long dark dress, long sleeves. She has a ring on her left hand. They both have a small light object in the centre of their chests.
4. Group Portrait (B & W) of hospitalised soldiers. They are in front of a building and door. There are 8 men in pix.

Inscriptions & markings

1. On the rear is a small stamp "Kodak Print".
2. Front shows for the Honor of both. Victoria, A.J.E.F. 1915 on the rear is written Lin Shelton (RUN/RUP) Pearson.
3. On the rear is written in pencil "Nellie Curry".
4. On back is "Tom".