Historical information

Private James Andrew Sutherland - VX59088 ,POW - Thailand (Burma Railway) and Changi.

Physical description

Paper certificate with "City of Prahran" as heading with Australian Coat of Arms. Blue and red border.

Inscriptions & markings

To Private James A Sutherland. We have the honour on behalf of the Mayor, Councilors and Citizens of the City of Prahran to convey to you their highest appreciation and thanks for the action you have taken by voluntarily enlisting in the Australian Imperial Force for active service overseas in the war between Great Britain and her Allies against Germany. The honour and good name of the Commonwealth is in your hands, and we have every confidence that you will preserve the noble traditions already laid down by the men who constituted the Army of the first A.I.F. who served our country and distinguished themselves so worthily in the last Great War. We wish you God speed and a safe return to your Native land. Signed Wm M McIlwrick Mayor, J M Ellis Councilor and J Romaiu Town Clerk.