Historical information

This set of 11 colour photographs were taken at a drill rehearsal probably in October 1990 for the Army Survey Regiment’s Freedom of Entry parade at Bendigo. WO1 Colin Cuskelly was acting as the escorted Bendigo Lord Mayor on an inspection of the troops. The Freedom of Entry to the City took place on the 26th of October 1990. This was an honour first conferred by the Bendigo City Council to the Army Survey Regiment in 1970. The parade was the fifth time the unit exercised its freedom of marching into the city with swords drawn, bayonets fixed and drums beating. The Regiment also exercised its Freedom of Entry with anniversary parades in 1977, 1980, 1985 and 1995. See Item 6248P for a photograph taken and more detail of the Freedom of Entry parade. It is also possible the drill rehearsal was part of preparations for the Corps Day parade held earlier on the 1st of July 1990.

Physical description

This is a set of 11 colour photographs of troops from the Army Survey Regiment undertaking drill training at Fortuna, Bendigo 1990. The photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 300 dpi.
.1) - Photo, colour, 1990. Front rank L to R: SSGT Peter Mustart, SPR Mark Bird, SPR Tony Hilbig, CPL Roger Pearson, unidentified (x2), SPR Eric Nicolson, remainder unidentified.
.2) - Photo, colour, 1990. Front rank L to R: SSGT Peter Mustart, remainder unidentified.
.3) & .4) - Photo, colour, 1990. L to R: SSGT Bruce Hammond, SGT Max Watson, unidentified, SPR Todd Reynolds, SPR Rachel (Stanford) Scott, CPL Chris ‘Charlie’ Brown, SSGT Simon ‘Andy’ Capp, remainder unidentified.
.5) & .6) - Photo, colour, 1990. L to R: SPR Andrew Arman, unidentified, SPR Greg Howell, SPR Michelle Withers, remainder unidentified.
.7) - Photo, colour, 1990. L to R: CPL Lance Strudwick, unidentified, CPL Penny Knott, remainder unidentified.
.8) - Photo, colour, 1990. L to R: WO2 Rob Bogumil, CPL Lance Strudwick, remainder unidentified.
.9) - Photo, colour, 1990. L to R: SSGT Peter Imeson, Peter Swandale, Rob Jones, Ken Labouchardiere, remainder of rank unidentified, W02 Rob Bogumil on right.
.10) - Photo, colour, 1990. L to R: WO2 Rowan Gillies, SGT Wolfgang Thun, WO1 Colin Cuskelly, remainder unidentified.
.11) - Photo, colour, L to R: CO LTCOL Rene van den Tol, RSM WO1 Neville Stone, WO1 Colin Cuskelly, WO2 Rowan Gillies, SPR Brian Paul.

Inscriptions & markings

No personnel are identified.