Manual - INSTRUCTION MANUALS, 1941, 1948

Historical information

Various manuals issued to outline & regulate formal behavior in key areas. Given to various Commanders at different levels. Amendments issued on regular basis and gazetted to make official.
Ref Cat 6719.2P Lt. Col. Swatton for his service details.

Physical description

.1) Small paper yellow booklet marked "Staff Duties in the Field" Amend No. 1. Stapled pages heavily redacted - some pages almost all removed. Pages not numbered.
.2) Extract of small yellow booklet marked "Infantry Training Vol 1, 1948". Stapled pages dated Apr 1950. Some pages loose and parts of pages cut out. Some pages loose.
.3) Small paper, yellow booklet marked "Manual of Military Law 1941" Serial No. 8, 7 numbered pages and blanks.

Inscriptions & markings

.1) & .2) Paragraphs all ticked.
.3) On back some notations in pencil of Chapter No's.

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