Physical description

Four page foolscap stencil duplicated instruction sheet titled "Notes for Motormen re New Weekly Tickets.", pinned in the top left hand corner. Details the new style of ESCo weekly tickets to be used in Ballarat from Monday 7/2/1927, where two types of tickets were used - Morning and Evening Tickets and Lunch Hour Tickets. Gives instructions on their use, advantages, colours, fraud protection, schedule of timing when tickets issued against the various run numbers on page 3.

Page four, titled "Instructions for Conductors re New Weekly Return Tickets and Weekly Tickets" gives instructions re the issuing of 4d return tickets, a new 3d return ticket and how the colours varied with each day. Notes when the tickets will be collected by the clerk for runs 13 and 14.

See Reg. Item 2498, 2499 2542 and 2543 for examples of the weekly tickets.

Inscriptions & markings

In black ink in the top right hand corner "4/2/27" and in ink across top of instruction "Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society Catalogue No. 316."