Plan - Subdivisional Sale of 11 Villa Sites, East Kew, 1939

Historical information

Subdivision plans and real estate flyers/brochures reveal a number of aspects of urban development and history. The Kew Historical Society's collection of these plans, as well as advertisements extracted from magazines, cover key aspects of community development and architectural history of Kew and Kew Eat as well as surrounding suburbs. While most of the plans in the collection were gifted to the Society by the former City of Kew, a number of other plans and advertisements have been donated by individuals, of which this is an example.

Physical description

Single page residential subdivision plan advertising house lots for sale, in what was then designated as East Kew but is now Kew, in the following streets: Burke Road, Enfield Street. The flyer includes a smaller locality plan at right. Information on the flyer indicates that the land was previously owned by the Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board.

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