Historical information

These items come from the house "BIRCHWOOD" in Koroit Street, Warrnambool belonging to Dr. Angus and family. Dr. William Roy Angus (1901-1970) practised in Warrnambool from 1939 to 1970. In his later years Dr. Angus was an important ophthalmologist. He was prominent in Warrnambool in both medical and community affairs. The Angus home "BIRCHWOOD" at 214 Koroit Street (the site of the Warrnambool Police station today) was noted for its beautiful garden, lawns and croquet court and used as a meeting place and entertainment centre for vice-regal personnel and community organisations.


These items are of considerable interest as they are connected to a well known doctor in Warrnambool and a notable house.

Physical description

.1,.2,.3 These are three wooden door plates with a fine ridged front and a curved top and base. They have four holes to be used with nails to attach to the door.
.4, .5 These are two wooden key hole covers with half spherical shapes at the top, ridging and carving towards a tapered base. .4 has a brass circular plate at the back with two small decorations protruding at the top. The screw attaching it to the front is broken..5 As for .4 but the brass section is missing and the screw is intact.

Inscriptions & markings

.2 East side door, front passage. .3 West side door