Booklet - HANDBOOK of VOLUNTARY AID DETACHMENTS 1942 & 1943, Aust Army, 1942

Historical information

VAD. To supplement the medical services of the Navy, Army and Air Force in time of War.
Part of a collection re Bendigo Voluntary Aid Detachment. Refer Cat 7028 for the collection.

Physical description

1. This is a small pocket book. The cover is a light Khaki. Printing is in black ink. Title - Handbook of Voluntary Aid Detachments, Aust. Part 1, 1942. It has 23 pages of plans, army org and uniforms for VAD girls.
2. Small pocket book as above. Dated 1943. It has 24 pages of plans, Army Org and uniforms for VAD girls.

Inscriptions & markings

1. Written on front cover is “D. M. Guest” Inside are numerous pencil amendments to regulations.
2. On front cover is a fraction of a black rubber stamp like a Post Office stamp.


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