Physical description

A green covered vintage 1950's hardcover children's book with a coloured illustration on the front of a young boy and girl washing their toys in a red bathtub filled with water. Scrubbing brush, soap and sponge are shown. The title Busy Little Folk is written in red and pink lettering at the top. It is bound at the right side with brown tape. The back cover is plain grey cardboard. There are short stories, puzzles and simple poems included for the young child. Pp.93.

Publication type


Inscriptions & markings

On the title page written in blue ink is the name: 'Loressa Thomas'. On the back of the title page written in coloured pencil is 'Coral Waddle'. Both are written in a child's handwriting.


A vintage, 1950's collection of young children's stories and poems, illustrated in black and white with some red highlights.