Historical information

This set of 11 colour photographs of a Ceremonial Guard of Honourfrom the Army Survey Regiment was most likely taken at Russell Offices, Canberra in 1995. Most Guard of Honour detachments sent to Canberra performed the ceremony in the Blamey Square at Defence’s Russell Offices precinct. An identification label in the storage folder identified the parade was at an Australia Remembers 1945-1995 event, one of many activities designed to commemorate and celebrate the 50th anniversary of the end of the Second World War on 15 August 1945.

Physical description

This set of 11 colour photographs of a Ceremonial Guard of Honour from the Army Survey Regiment was most likely taken at Russell Offices, Canberra in 1995. The photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 300 dpi.
.1) & .2) - Photo, colour, 1995. L to R: Right file – No 1: SPR Cameron Gee, No 2: SPR Shane Campbell, No 3: CPL Andrew Quin, No: 4 SPR Ken Labouchardiere, No 10: SPR Lance Hillier, remainder unidentified. Parade formation commander: LT Jason Selman, Centre file – front No 1: CPL Ian Bowes, No 3: CPL Chris Wynn, No 4: SPR Mick Muzeen, No 5: SPR Julie Gretton, No 6: CPL Ken Peters, No 7: SPR Allison Ottaway, No 9: CPL Hamish Goetz, No 11: SGT Darren Wilkinson, remainder unidentified. Left file – No 2: SPR James Commons, No 3: SPR Matt White, No 4: CPL Andrew Lazdovskis, No 6: SPR Michelle Withers, No 7: CPL Greg Howell, remainder unidentified.
.3) - Photo, colour, 1995. Front rank L to R: SPR Lance Hillier, CPL Dave Scott, SPR Andrew Arman, unidentified, SPR Mick Muzeen, CPL Darren Scott, SPR Ken Labouchardiere, CPL Andrew Quin, SPR Shane Campbell, SPR Cameron Gee. Parade formation commander: LT Jason Selman. Centre rank L to R: unidentified (x2), CPL John Commons, SPR Allison Ottaway, unidentified (x3), CPL Chris Wynn, unidentified (x2.) Rear rank L to R: unidentified (x3), CPL Greg Howell, unidentified, SPR Helen Scorgie, CPL Andrew Lazdovskis, unidentified (x3).
.4) to .6) - Photo, colour, 1995. All unidentified.
.7) & .8) - Photo, colour, 1995. L to R: LTCOL Duncan Burns, Parade formation commander: LT Jason Selman, COL COMDT COL Don Swiney MBE, unidentified dignitary. Front rank L to R: SPR Lance Hillier, CPL Dave Scott, SPR Andrew Arman, unidentified, SPR Mick Muzeen, CPL Darren Scott, SPR Ken Labouchardiere, CPL Andrew Quin, SPR Shane Campbell, SPR Cameron Gee. Centre rank L to R: unidentified, CPL Chris Wynn, unidentified. CPL Ian Bowes, Rear rank L to R: CPL Greg Howell, SPR Helen Scorgie, CPL Andrew Lazdovskis, SGT Darren Wilkinson.
.9) - Photo, colour, 1995. L to R: CPL Ian Bowes, LTCOL Duncan Burns, Parade formation commander: LT Jason Selman, COL COMDT COL Don Swiney MBE, unidentified dignitary, unidentified (x3), SPR Michelle Withers, SPR Helen Scorgie, unidentified, SPR Matt White, SPR James Commons, unidentified.
.10) - Photo, colour, 1995. L to R: CPL Ian Bowes, Parade formation commander: LT Jason Selman, unidentified dignitary, COL COMDT COL Don Swiney MBE (partly obscured), unidentified (x3), SPR Michelle Withers, SPR Helen Scorgie, unidentified, SPR Matt White, SPR James Commons, unidentified.
.11) - Photo, colour, 1995. L to R: CPL Ian Bowes, Parade formation commander: LT Jason Selman, COL COMDT COL Don Swiney MBE, unidentified dignitary, Matt White, SPR James Commons, unidentified, SGT Darren Wilkinson.

Inscriptions & markings

Identification label ‘RASvy Guard of Honour – Australia Remembers 1945-1995’. No personnel identified.