Historical information

This file contains seven items about the significance of this building and how this was established :
1/ Photocopies of a handwritten application (in duplicate) by Walter Kay of Elsternwick dated 13/10/1985 and Rodney H Bush’s dated 16/10/1985 to the Historic Buildings Council to register the former Elsternwick Post Office building, and an original typewritten letter dated 17/10/1985 from the Historic Buildings Council to Caulfield and Historic Society advising them of an application and inviting them to submit relevant information about the building with a copy of application attached.
2/ Six pieces of correspondence between various interested parties (Caulfield Council , Caulfield Historical Society, National Trust, of Australia and Ministry for Planning and Environment on behalf of Historic Buildings Council, Victoria) about the significance of the former Elsternwick Post Office building and the progress of efforts to include it on the Register of Historic buildings. Dated between November 1985 and May 1986.
3/ Two pieces of correspondence between the Caulfield Progress Association and the Caulfield Historical Society dated April and May 1986, regarding the efforts of the Historical Society to save the former Elsternwick Post Office building.
4/ Two pieces of ephemera by the Caulfield Progress Association, one original undated and one photocopy undated in 1986. Both appealing to the public for support to help the former Elsternwick Post Office building and to protest a proposal to demolish it, by Caulfield Council.
5/Original newspaper article dated 07/06/1989 from the Malvern-Caulfield Progress newspaper written by Robert Carmody. The article talks about the approval by the Historic Buildings Council of Caulfield Council’s restoration program of the former Elsternwick Post Office building worth approximately $850,000. The refurbishment would consist of a shop and office space which would then be rented out. Mayor Emil Braun outlines the progress to implement the plans.
6/ Caulfield Conservation Study by Andrew Ward dated September 1994 of former Elsternwick Post Office Building. The building plans for the Elizabethan Style building were approved in 1891. The original timber verandahs were replaced by the present brickworks in circa 1918 rear extensions in 1941-42. Similar Post Offices were built at Kew, Queenscliff and Portarlington.
7/ Computer printout dated 19/03/2010 of Statement of Significance held by the Victorian Heritage database of the former Elsternwick Post Office Building. It was built in 1891 in the ‘Queen Anne’ style. The substantial two story red brick building was set on a bluestone plinth with an ornate façade incorporating cement dressings. There is a brief summary of the settlement and development of the Elsternwick area with mention of how important the building is to the Elsternwick Community. Original date and author is unknown.


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