Historical information

This file contains 2 items about the organisation.
1/Copy of photograph of horse-drawn tram. The image is of a tram behind 2 horses, unidentified tramway official, a lady and child. Date and location unknown
2/Original 4 page document including 4 images. Document is titled ‘The Development of Melbourne’s trams’ issued by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board as part of M.M.T.B. News dated 1965. The document details the development of trams in Melbourne from 1860 followed by the 1869 formation of The Melbourne Omnibus Company and then the creation of The Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board in 1919. Document covers the operations of horsedrawn trams, cable trams and electric trams and buses until 1965. Document also shows 4 images of various trams, ie horse drawn cable and electric trams.