Historical information

Contains 15 items:
1/Blank paper with letterhead of the Caulfield Elderly Citizens’ Association – President, Mrs Cr. G. E. Wallace, MBE, JP. (Gladys Wallace, later Gladys Machin)
2/Handwritten minutes of public meetings, Caulfield Elderly Citizens’ Association, held 02/10/1952 (two pages). 27 were in attendance, a Ladies’ Committee had been formed.
3/Minutes (typewritten; one page) of the third public meeting of the Caulfield Elderly Citizens’ Association, Caulfield Town Hall, 03/02/1953.
4/Minutes (typewritten, one page) of the Caulfield Elderly Citizens Association held 10/04/1953-minutes seem incomplete.
5/Caulfield Elderly Citizens Association Honary Secretary’s First Annual Report for the year ended 28/02/1954 (typewritten, three pages). Notes that the Association had 542 financial members.
6/Caulfield Elderly Citizens Association – first Annual Meeting, held 18/03/1954 (typewritten, 3 pages). 62 attended this AGM.
7/ Caulfield Elderly Citizens Association. Second Annual Meeting held 30/03 (no date stated but 1955 is meant). The report opens to the balance sheet for the year ending 28/02/1955. 91 were in attendance.
8/Caulfield Elderly Citizens Association – Revenue Statement from 01/03/1956 to 30/06/1957. The Association had 12,151 pounds in its accumulated fund, with 1,489 in expenditures in 1956-57.
9/’Some Questions – Answers Wanted’ – list (one page) of 18 questions arising out of the Association’s 1960-61 report. Unsigned, without response.
10/Caulfield Elderly Citizens Association – minutes of meeting held on 07/08/1961.
11/Invitations (3 copies) to attend the eight annual meeting of the Caulfield Elderly Citizens Association, to be held on 07/08/1961, with Agenda of the Meeting.
12/Invitations (5 copies) to attend the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Caulfield Elderly Citizens Association, 19/07/1962, with Agenda of the Meeting.
13/Caulfield Elderly Citizens Association – Minutes of the Eight Annual Meeting held 07/08/1962 (although 1961 may have been meant) (3 copies).
14/Minutes of Ninth annual meeting Elderly Citizens Association 19/09/1962.
15/Typewritten ‘List of Members who have passed away’, listed by year from 1955 through 1962, 75 names with no further information.