Historical information

Contains one item (typewritten, Photostat copy, photocopy, 2 pages, no date) which appears to be research notes. These notes are describing an ‘Authors Summary of Caulfield Council Minutes’ (author unknown) relating to volunteer fire brigades (Caulfield and Elsternwick) and mention of the Caulfield and Elsternwick fire stations and fire fighting equipment between 02/1885 to 09/1912. Note pages are stamped with Peter R. Murray & Associates. Also indicates Elsternwick Voluntary Fire Brigade set up 1888 and mentions a serious fire in Summer of 1884 and 1885 in Caulfield Park. Also excerpts from Prahran Telegraph 05/01/1888, 26/02/1887 and excerpts from Caulfield and Elsternwick Star, which report on issues of contention between different fire brigades. Photocopy taken for document retention purposes.