Historical information

This file contains 10 items about the history of Glen Huntly:
1/6 photocopied pages from ‘The History of St Kilda’ which relates to the place name Glen Huntly, and the Quarantine graves, date unknown.
2/2 photocopied pages from the ‘Sun Pictorial’ dated 13/4/1928 and 12/4/1928; relating to the state of the graves at Point Ormond and their re-internment to St Kilda Cemetery.
3/1 pen and ink sketch of graves at Point Ormond from the State Library Victoria.
4/3 pages taken from a website on the re-internment of graves and some social history as to the reason that the new emigrants were coming to Australia. The Article also has 7 photographs.
5/2 newspaper articles on the ‘Glen Huntly’ descendants forthcoming reunion being held on 21&22/4/1990.
6/1 article reprinted from newsletter no. 22 October 1983 on the barque ‘Glen Huntly’. Also details of passengers who died and the burial of 3 at Point Ormond.
7/1 handwritten document (unattributed) taken from ‘Migrant ships for South Australia 1836-1850’ by Ronald Parsons.
8/1 pamphlet commemorating the 150th anniversary of the ‘Glen Huntly’ arriving in Melbourne. It gives information about the ship, passengers, memorial in St Kilda Cemetery and upcoming descendants’ reunion.
9/1 program of commemoration events 21&22/4/1990.
10/1 piece of art work for a ‘Welcome to Glen Huntly’ sign, featuring a ship. Undated, unattributed and source unknown.



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