Historical information

This file contains two items pertaining to a property named Box Cottage (named after residents William and Elizabeth Box) located in Joyce Park, Jasper Road, Ormond 3204:
1/A typewritten document (two pages), the date and context unknown (albeit authored by A. Smith) about the property. The first part of the document describes the materials and techniques utilized during the property’s original construction around 1850 and during subsequent renovations, whilst the second part describes the reconstruction of the property at a nearby site by the City of Moorabbin Historical Society.
2. A printout of a page from the website of the City of Moorabbin Historical Society (authored by Yun Ma, last modified on 13/01/2013, and accessed 30/06/2014), about the property’s present usage as a museum. Included is some brief historical information about the property, plus advertising of some of the various artefacts on display therein. Also included are six black-and-white photographs (presumably hailing from the museum’s collection) portraying the property’s environs as they existed in the past.