Historical information

This file contains 5 items about this property:
1/Handwritten notes from titles searches of 18 Elster Avenue complied by Peta Darke dated 29/07/2014 – photocopy 7 pages.
2/Handwritten list of Sands & McDougall entries for 1915 to 1970, and notes to present, compiled by Peta Darke dated 29/07/2014.
3/Photocopy of two pages of the title to the property dated 22/10/1909. Includes plan of subdivision of the area.
4/Photocopies of five advertisements from The Argus relating to the property:
28/08/1918 Land Wanted
12/07/1921 Lost Heifer
26/04/1919 Owner has House For Sale (20 Elster Avenue)
10/05/1919 same – No. 20 For Sale
29/11/1927 M. M. Taylor has Oats and Barley For Sale.
5/Photocopy of photograph of exterior taken by R. Darke circa 1998.

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