Document - Glen Eira Residents Association

Historical information

Six items pertaining to Glen Eira Residents Asssociation Inc.
1/Two copies of the minutes of a Committee Meeting of Glen Eira Residents Association Inc., held on 04/12/2001. The minutes cover a range of routine meeting items, as well as the postponed release of the Princes Park Master Plans and the proposed construction of car parks at Caulfield Racecourse.
2/A copy of Glen Eira Residents’ Association Inc.’s 30/05/2003 newsletter, notifying members of matters presently before Glen Eira City Council for purposes of evaluation. Matters include an admonishment to the Council to sort out anomalies between the C25 Amendment (80/20 Plan) and the Melbourne 2030 Plan, the success at convincing the Ministerial panel to adopt GERA’s views regarding the C14 Council Plan for the Caulfield Racecourse, a request for information from the Council regarding the previous year’s rate increase, a request for information from the Council regarding spending on planning for improvements to Princes Park, a call for the Council to improve its consultative procedures, a recommendation that the purpose of Glen Eira News be expanded to the making of suggestions for city improvement, and a notification of the measures implemented to improve the visibility of Caulfield Racecourse’s usability by the public. Includes a black-and-white photograph of Orrong Road, Elsternwick, illustrating what Glen Eira’s roads would look like if lined with trees, which was excluded from Glen Eira News on account of a current prohibition on the making of suggestions for city improvements.
3/Four copies of a booklet entitled ‘A Short Guide to Planning Procedures’, composed 08/2006, which endeavours to explain, as concisely as possible, the methodology by which Glen Eira City Council approves real estate developments and issues planning permits.
4/A booklet containing the minutes of the 05/10/2009 Annual General Meeting of Glen Eira Residents’ Association Inc. Details both routine items and more specific matters of discussion, such as inappropriate charges on the part of the Glen Eira City Council and the proposed inception of a questionnaire to evaluate local residents’ opinion of the Council.
5/A booklet announcing the 07/10/2010 Annual General Meeting of Glen Eira Residents’ Association Inc. at St. John’s Uniting Church, Elsternwick. Front cover details agenda and contains four colour photographs pertaining to public transport (buses, trams, trains) within the city. Interior features president Don Dunstan reflecting on issues relevant to GERA occurring over the preceding twelve months, with an emphasis on the dubious behaviour of the City Council, as well as two colour photographs: one of Dunstan himself and one of traffic at Elsternwick Junction. The rear cover contains the Financial Statement presented to the Meeting.
6Two copies of a printout of an article from the website of Glen Eira Residents’ Association Inc., accessed 19/06/2012, explaining the affects wrought as a result of the implementation of Planning Scheme Amendment C87. Said amendment changes the Planning Scheme protecting neighbourhood character by replacing the previous Significant Character Area (SCA) designation with the new designations of Neighbourhood Character Overlay (NCO) and Design and Development Overlay (DDO). In developing the Amendment, Glen Eira City Council commissioned Planisphere to procure the Planisphere Final Report, in which recommendations regarding the expansion, creation and deletion of SCAs were offered. The article contains a summary of said recommendations.


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