Newspaper - Kornhauser Family

Historical information

This file contains two items:
1/A printout of an article from the website of the Sydney Morning Herald, dated 18/09/2013 (albeit accessed on 28/01/2014), pertaining to the legal efforts on the part of Nicole and Eliezer Kornhauser to secure the rights to operate an (unnamed) Orthodox Jewish school out of their home at 8 Springfield Avenue, St. Kilda East. The Glen Eira City Council denied their application owing to complaints from neighbours pertaining to noise and traffic congestion associated with the facility. The decision was subsequently upheld by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Thus, the Kornhausers have now taken their case to the Supreme Court.
2/A clipping of a newspaper article from The Age, dated 12/01/2014, pertaining to a conflict between Nicole and Eliezer Kornhauser and their neighbours. Said parties were already at odds with another, owing to the neighbours requesting that the Glen Eira City Council deny the Kornhausers permission to extend their facility owing to the aforementioned issues of noise and traffic congestion. But matters came to a head when the couple issued unsolicited death threats to local resident Jannine Gross and her husband – especially in the light of the Council electing to permit the extension after all.
There is a discrepancy between the first and second items. The first item implies that the Kornhausers seek permission merely to operate their facility, whereas the second item implies that they seek permission to extend it.

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