Historical information

This file contains three items pertaining to the draft of the Glen Eira Activity Centre Strategy, each dated 11/2004 and composed by Peter McNabb and Associates Pty Ltd. (Unknown author of handwritten notes by John Campbell, Mayor of Caulfield 1986-87 and long-time observer of the Caulfield Council/Glen Eira Council):
1/A 53-page Overview Report, summarising the research conducted into the existing state of Glen Eira’s Activity Centres for the purposes of devising a Strategy to improve them. The Report constitutes the first of four components of a broader document termed the ‘Position Paper’, of which the remaining three are not present. The Report is divided into ten sections. The first is an executive summary of the entire document. The second is an introduction that explains the reasons why the Glen Eira City Council chose to embark upon this project. The third describes the methodology by which the research was conducted. The fourth describes what an Activity Centre is defined as. The fifth describes pre-existing policies and strategies pertaining to commercial development. The sixth describes the regional context of Glen Eira’s Activity Centres. The seventh describes the factors affecting Glen Eira’s Activity Centres plus the changes resulting from them, and is divided into four subsections pertaining to demographics, economics, decentralisation and housing, respectively. The eighth describes patterns of activity within Glen Eira’s Activity Centres, containing, for example, tables illustrating the number of particular types of businesses within each Centre. The ninth describes the new classification system for Glen Eira’s Activity Centres, the category each of Glen Eira’s Activity Centres belongs to under this system, and the future roles of each of the Centres. The tenth briefly recaps the entire document. Also included are three colour maps of Glen Eira noting the locations of existing Activity Centres. Handwritten notes and queries feature throughout, but the author thereof is unknown.
2/A 37-page Consultant Report issued for public comment, describing the draft of the Strategy to improve Glen Eira’s Activity Centres that has been formulated based on the data outlined in the Position Paper. The report is divided into six sections. The first is an introduction. The second describes the methodology used to develop the Strategy. The third describes the vision of Glen Eira’s Activity Centres plus the objectives necessary to achieve it. The fourth describes the new classification system for Glen Eira’s Activity Centres, the category that each of Glen Eira’s Activity Centres belongs to under this system, and future roles of each of the Centres. The fifth describes the improvements recommended for the Centres, and is divided into six subsections pertaining to land use, building renovations, street renovations, public transport, traffic plus parking, and marketing plus management, respectively. The sixth, finally, describes the amendment that ought to be made to the Glen Eira Planning Scheme on account of the Overview Report. Also included is a black-and-white map of Glen Eira noting the locations of existing Activity Centres. Again, handwritten notes and queries feature throughout, but the author thereof is unknown.
3/A 3-page summary of the draft, briefly outlining what the strategy is, why it has been prepared, what an Activity Centre is defined as, what the major influences of Glen Eira’s Activity Centres are, how the community has been consulted, what the key findings of the research process have been, what the process from here shall be, and how one can comment on the Strategy. Also included are three colour maps of Glen Eira noting the locations of existing Activity Centres.

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