Historical information

Syllabuses produced by the Education Department of Victoria. They are for Technical Schools and outline requirements for various subjects. They were produced at the beginning of each year. .1, .2, .3 are for 1921. .4 to .22 are for 1924.
.1: Mechanics and Mechanics Applied to Mining (1921) .2: Mechanics and Heat (1921) .3: Graphics (1921)
.4: Hydraulics (1924) .5: Civil Engineering (1924) .6: Electrical Technology (1924) .7: Electric Wiring (1924) .8: Sheet Metal Work, Pattern Cutting for Tinsmiths, Galvanized Iron Workers and Sheet Copper Workers (1924) .9: Metal Work (Machine Shop Practice) (1924) .10: Farm Irrigation and Irrigation Engineering .11: Food Analysis .12: Theory of Aircraft Design and Construction (1924) .13: Iron, Steel and Engineering Alloys (Special Course for Aeronautical Engineers) (1924) .14: Civil Engineering (1924) .15: Diploma Students - Iron, Steel and Engineering Alloys (1924) .16: Aerodynamics (1924) .17: Electrical Engineering (1914) .18: Mechanical Drawing, 2nd Year Students - Junior Technical Schools (1924) .19: Mechanical Drawing, 3rd Year Students - Junior Technical Schools or Preparatory Evening Course for Technical School Students (1924) .20: Mathematics (1924) .21: Diploma Courses in Engineering - Electrical, Mechanical, Marine, Civil, Aeronautical (1924) .22: Civil Engineering (1924)

Physical description

22 items, A5 in size. Some are folded sheets of A4 paper.