Historical information

Harry Bradley was a local Identity. Born in Yorkshire, England, 8/4/1916. Joined the Australian Army 19/5/1941 living in Cowes Phillip Island Victoria.



Physical description

491-01: Harry Bradley an Australia Army Portrait - WWII
491-02: Harry Bradley & Ted Walton, very close fishing mates
491-03: Original House of Bradleys, opposite Race Track?? Ford Vehicle. Now Beachcomber Estate
491-04: Harry Bradley working on the 1st Phillip Island Bridge
491-05: Harry Bradley's parents - Father - Edwin and Mother who was killed by a bull
491-06: Harry Bradley - Equal 1st Competition at the Lang Lang Gun Club
491-07: Elsford Guest House - Post Card
491-08: Map of Phillip Island - Post Card
Also DVD supplied with 491-01 to 06 on it.

Inscriptions & markings

As Above with Harry's details listed on 491-01