Historical information

Wendy WHITFORD (1942- )
Born Ballarat, Victoria

Wendy Whitford'swork has an Her emphasis is on texture and colour., and she paints in acrylic and produces limited edition prints on an etching press. She attended evening Life Drawing classes with Geoffrey Mainwaring at the Ballarat School of Mines, and undertook group srudies with artist Edward Heffernan. Undertaking full time formal art training inher thirties,, she completed a Diploma of Art at the Ballarat College of Advanced Education (later Federation University in the early 1980s. During this time she was introduced to Printmaking by Satish Sharma,and has alternated printmaking with painting until the present day.

Wendy Whitford is a members of the Soldiers Hill Art Collective, a group of practicing artists who all live in the Ballarat suburn of Soldiers Hill.

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