Historical information

Letter: J N Murray to Eltham Historical Society, 16 August 1970. Requests information about the Murray family.
Letter: J N Murray to B Wadeson [?Eltham Shire Council], 24 March 1974. Requests information about the Murray family.
Letter: Brian R Smyth solicitor to Eltham Historical Society, 31 August 1993: Re estate of J E Murray and contents of buildings and site.
Letter: Eltham Historical Society to Bryan Smyth, 7 September 1993: Re contents of buildings and site, in association of Shire of Diamond Valley.
Newspaper article: "Back when the land was theirs", Diamond Valley News, 28 September 1992. Interview of James (Jim) Murray about his family and farm.
Text: "A development philosophy for 'Murray's", Eltham North", by John R Sabine, September 1994 [history of family and Laurel Hill farm].
Photograph: Grave stone of John Murray, Mary Murray, Thomas Drain and Mary Ellen Drain.
Text: "Murray" by A Sheehan, no date. History of Murray family.
Text: John Wright Murray", no author, no date: History of John Wright Murray.

Physical description

Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etc