Historical information

Made by Portland Fibre Group, 1996-2004: specifically Mary Sharrock, Dot Kelly, Ollie Dellar, Doris Amor and Ede Bailey.

Physical description

Tapestry woven in wool on twine warp. Cream coloured background with pale blue flecks of colour, central motif of coat of arms - features two birds standing on grey platforms to either side of shield. Central to the shield is a masted sailing vessel sitting atop blue and white horizontal lines representing the ocean. Around the sails of the vessel are radiating yellow rays and a blue surrounds representing sunburst against blue sky. The top third of shield shows a pair of sheep heads against a red background. Above the shield is depicted a helmet, crowned with a whale. Blue plumage is shown coming from the helmet and framing the whale.

Inscriptions & markings

Front: (Weavers' initials, except Ede Bailey, woven into tapestry and are seen on the hem).
Back: (no inscriptions)