Print - Linocut - Admella Rescue Series No. 16, Bob Stone, 'Four heavy seas struck ... washing one man overhead, who was, however, picked up. Portland Guardian 18th August 1859', 2009

Historical information

Part of suite of 16 Linocuts created for an exhibition at the Portland Arts centre for the Admella 150th Festival.

Physical description

Linocut. Tenth in a suite of 16, in the Admella Rescue series.
Depicts Portland lifeboat. 3 crew members leaning leaning over sid eof life boat towards someone in water. Printed in black on white archival paper.

Inscriptions & markings

Front: Linocut, Bob Stone.
...'Four heavy seas struck ... washing one man overhead, who was, however, picked up.
Portland Guardian 18th August 1859' - Handwritten, black pen

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