Mt Beauty High School Speech Night 1971 and 1972

Historical information

Mount Beauty High School was proclaimed in 1963 with 213 pupils, 12 staff members. The enrolments and staff numbers increased as the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme continued to be constructed .
1. The Annual Report gives details re Accommodation, Grounds & Buildings, Equipment, Curriculum, Activities, Advisory Council, Cafeteria, Staff and Thanks.
2. In 1972, 27 teachers (names & subjects) are listed as well as other staff. The Reports are similar to that in 1970


Mt Beauty High School grew quickly and then declined in numbers as the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme was constructed from the late 1940s to the 1960s. It is currently (2023) still operating serving the population in the Kiewa Valley.

Physical description

1.Pale yellow paper folded x2 opening up to 3 columns of green print. 12 items listed followed by 'Extracts from the Eighth Annual Report. The Report contiues on the back. Front page has logo, title & date 14th Dec. 1970
2. Booklet of 12 pages (6 paper sheets)14 items on page 2, Staff listed on page 3, Principal's Report on page 4- 6. S.R.C. Report page 7, 10th Annual Report page 8-9,President's Report page 10. Scholarships & Awards page 11-12.
Front page has logo and title. Tenth Annual Speech Night and Student Revue 12th December 1972

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