Historical information

Displays Military Awards that have been awarded to Australians since 1881 through to 1945.
Replica Kandahar Star (1881),
Replica Kings South African Medal with Two Clasps,
Replica 1914/1919 War and Victoria Medals,
Replica (Trio) 1914/15 Star, 1914/19 War and Victory Medals.
Replica 1939-1945 Star,
Replica Atlantic Star,
Replica Air Crew Europe Star,
Replica Africa Star,
Replica Pacific Star,
Replica Italy Star,
Replica France and Germany Star,
Original Australian Defence Medal (no identification number).
Original 1939-1945 War Medal (no identification number).
Original 1914 Star with clasp - 5th Aug - 22nd November 1914.

Physical description

1 set of 16 Australian Military Awards dating from 1881 through to 1945 placed on a display board titled Board Number two. There is an attached list identifying these awards. Each award has it's appropriate title placed underneath the awards.

Inscriptions & markings

There are no inscriptions on these medals. Three of these medals are listed as "Original". R/H corner of the display board identifies - "" From the Bob English Collection".

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