Historical information

On the 2nd April 1948 the SECV noted the Eucalypts in the area of the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme. The Forestry Officer was an employee of the SECV and would have given advice in his area of expertise. This chart may have been used with regard to logging and enabling those involved in the identification of the trees.


The last row has the heading "Localities and Remarks" and includes those found around the KHES eg. "Tawonga Gap. West Kiewa. Bogong Creek & up to 5 mile peg on Kiewa Valley Road. 7-12 Mile on Mt Buffalo Rd."
Also significant to compare these eucalypts with current locations and numbers

Physical description

Large chart with black print and pictures on yellowing thick paper. The chart has 18 headings across the top and 24 eucalypts listed under the headings.

Inscriptions & markings

Printed in the bottom right hand corner "Compiled by W.G. Chandler / Forestry Officer / State Electricity Commission of Victoria / 2-4-48"