Historical information

Item in the collection of Gilbert John Mitchell (Jack)
Pre WW2 Jack had service for a brief time in the 38th BN Bendigo No 447203.
He enlisted in the RAAF on 31.1.1942 No 410686 age 20 years. Embarked for England on 6.1.1943 for further Training. Posted to 166 Sqd RAF Wellington Bombers then posted Operational to No 466 Sqd RAAF flying Halifax Heavy Bombers. On 18.7.1944 he and his crew in MZ313 were on a mission to attack Railway Sidings at Vaires. This was new Aircraft on 11.6.1944. They were hit by Anti Aircraft shells exploding in the fuselage. The Bomb Aimer Flt/Lt Finley advised the crew to leave by parachute as it was possible the craft could disintegrate. The Pilot Officer R.J. Evans decided to try and get the aircraft back to England, once there they abandoned the craft which was seen to disintegrate in mid air. Both were awarded the DFC. Jack was taken POW and sent to Stalag Luft 1 near Barth on the Baltic Sea for Allied Airmen.
The Crew were;
Roger John Evans No 410202, enlisted 5.12.1941 age 31 years.
Peter Hamiliton Finley No 412294, enlisted 22.6.1941 age 22 years.
L.C. Abbott, British/Allied.
G.J. Mitchell, POW.
Keith Mossman Tranent POW, No 426402, enlisted 20.6.1942 age 19 years 2 months.
J.P.T. Finn RAF (Paddy)
T.W. Wild British/Allied.
On 30.4.1945 The Germans vacated the Camp Jack was in and 2 days later the Russians released them and he was placed in a British Hospital weighing 6 stone. He arrived home in Sept 1945. He stayed in the RAAF No 033130 and served in No 35 Sqd flying VIPs. He was in the Berlin Airlift 1948 - 1949, he also went on exchange with the RAF and flew in No's 24 & 511 Sqd's one a transport the other VIP transport. He was discharged from the RAAF with the rank of Flt/Lt on 6.7.1956 in No 11 Sqd.

"Maunder and Sheean". In the article Jacks says that Lofty Maunder always had a joke etc when near the target to settle everyone down.
The crew of Halifax LV875 were shot down by a Night Fighter near the target "Terngier" north of Paris 0n 11.4.1944. There was 157 Halifax's on the raid with 10 being lost. The Crew were;
John Henry Maunder No 412562, Navigator, enlisted 19.7.1941 age 19 years 10 months.
Brian Leo Sheean, No 409855, Wireless Operator, enlisted 1.10.1941 age 18 years.
Research shows there were at least 3 more of the Crew KIA.
Cecil John Bond No 420433, Pilot, enlisted 8.11.1941 age 19 years 11 months.
John Neville Keys No 426112, Bomb Aimer, enlisted 23.5.1942 age 19 years 6 months.
Clifford Young Warren No 427047, Rear Gunner, enlisted 26.4.1942 age 19 years 3 months.
J.A. White, Flight Engineer, British/Allied.
D.K. Messenger, Mid Upper Gunner, British/Allied.

Physical description

Newspaper article Herald Sun 19.4.2002, copy. Article re Jack Mitchell. The article has 6 photo insets 3 of Jack, 2 show Airmen beside an aircraft. The one with 2 Aircrew is "Lofty" Maunder and Jack. The article is mostly about "Maunder and Brian Sheean" mates of Jack. The inset photo of a women in uniform is believed to be "Maunders" English wife who he had married previously. Maunder and Sheean were KIA.

Inscriptions & markings