Historical information

Set of three documents that were prepared to explore the concept of reusing the Royal Exhibition buildings and providing a Vintage tram route between them and the City. The first, an extensive report by The Met is an Addendum to the Fitzroy Feasibility Study of August 1986. The second is a document titled "1888 Street: A proposal for a Museum of Victorian Home and Street Life by Charles Sowerwine, University of Melbourne, and a handwritten note about the possible tram service and its operation written by Doug Prosser commenting on the proposal. The proposal included the reuse of the cable tram winding house on the corner of Gertrude and Nicholson St. Fitzroy.


Demonstrates a report on a proposal for a Fitzroy Vintage Tram service.

Physical description

Set of three documents related to the provision of a Royal Exhibition Building and Vintage Tram Route:
1 - Approx 150A4 pages, black comb bound with The Met covers
2 - 66 page, photocopied - stapled in top left hand corner
3 - four page hand written on MTA memo ruled paper.