Historical information

Full name: Robert Sinclair John Mackay, POB Caithness, Scotland.
Training notes:
"B" is about bearings - navigation.
"G" is for guard duty,
"H" is for human frame with drawing and notes - skull to toes - bones.
"H" is for hemisphere - finding north in north and south hemispheres.
"M" Map reading.
"Q" Quarter master rules.
"R" Road Railway river recon report.
"R" .303 Cartridge design and Ballistics.
"R" - duties of an R.S.M.
"S" - Stretcher drill. Syphilis, Gonorrhea.
"ST" is for stables routine.
"W" is for words of command, Ambulance formations.
At the very back of the book, is a list of numbers in 3 columns.

Mackay enlisted on 8.9.1914 No 907 in the 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance, embarked for Eygpt 2.2.1915, embark for Gallipoli 25.10.1915, Hospital 21.11.1915 (just said “Disc”) while in Eygpt he is hospitalised again with Bronchial Pneumonia rejoin unit 2.4.1916, hospital 6.11.1916 with Bruised Thigh, promoted Cpl 18.2.1918, hospital 4.8.1918 with Catarrhal Jaundice, rejoin unit 14.9.1918, promoted Sgt in the field 29.1.1919, hospital 26.4.1919 (unclear), hospital 20.6.1919 with Fractured right Disc, embark for England 23.7.1919, RTA 4.1.1920, Discharged from the AIF 22.2.1920.

Physical description

Pocket sized address book which has been used as a Training Exercise book. The cover is made of dark buckram. Inside are sections labelled A - Z, with lined pages or each section.

Inscriptions & markings

First page has written in pencil: - “CPL ROBERT S. MACKAY, 907 3rd L.H.F.A. 3rd L.H. Brigade, A.M.D. MOASCAR 2 Jnay 1918”.