Physical description

Set of two agreements dated 23/4/1920 between the MMTB and the Australian Tramway Employees Association

.1 - two foolscap pages - pinned in top left hand corner - sets out that the MMTB has taken over from the Tramway Board, annual leave, wages, continuous service, pay rates, car repair sheds, variations, employees and signature block - Alex Cameron, H. Bell and W. O Strangward for the MMTB and John Abfalter and T. Jewell for the ATEA.

.2 - three foolscap pages - pinned in top left hand corner - refers to the various Acts that formed the Board and Arbitration Act, the PMTT, Northcote council, MBCTT, carrying past agreements forward, minimum wages for cable trams workers, juniors, cost of living adjustments and application of the agreement. Signature block - Alex Cameron, Ernest Willis, and W. O Strangward for the MMTB and John Abfalter and T. Jewell for the ATEA.