Historical information

Sympathy cards for " Mervyn Clive Townsend" who was KIA on HMAS SYDNEY sunk by HSK Kormoran on 15/11/41. Refer 2313P for Townsends service.

Physical description

White Sympathy cards with black edges.
1. 4 page card. Australian emblem in silver on front and tied with a red, white and blue ribbon.
2. Folded cardboard sheet with message in middle and "Condolence" written on front.
3. Black edge card of 4 pages. Sympathy on front and tied with black string.
4. Four page card tied with black string with message on front within 2 circles. "Sent in True Sympathy".
5. Four page card tied with black and white ribbon and silver Australian emblem.

Inscriptions & markings

1. From Phoebe McPherson, Bairnsdale.
2. From Arthur Austin.
3. From Mr. & Mrs. Perrara, Bendigo.
4. From Mr. & Mrs. A. Emerson, Bendigo.
5. From Mr. & Mrs. R.V. Skeely.