Historical information

In 1990 MAJ Bob Williams was the OC of Technical Development Cell. He won first prize for his entry ‘Innovations in Cartographic Communication’ in the individual category at the 2nd Australian Institute of Cartographers and BHP Engineering Technology Research and Development Awards. The award was announced at the 1990 Australian Cartographic Conference in Darwin where MAJ Williams presented his entry. At the time he had completed PhD studies at the Australian Defence Academy and was the first Survey Corps officer to complete studies at this advanced level. Also, in 1990 the Royal Australian Survey Corps’ meritorious achievements were formally recognised by the Senate of the Australian Parliament in a Notice of Motion on 31st of May 1990. The Royal Australian Survey Corps also featured in the issue of a commemorative stamped envelope issued by Australia Post.
These achievements are covered in more detail in page 147 of Valerie Lovejoy’s book 'Mapmakers of Fortuna – A history of the Army Survey Regiment’ ISBN: 0-646-42120-4.

Physical description

This photograph of MAJ Bob Williams was taken in Technical Development Cell at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo in 1990. The black & white photograph was printed on photographic paper and is part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photograph was scanned at 300 dpi.
.1) - Photo, black & white, 1990. MAJ Bob Williams – Technology Award Recipient

Inscriptions & markings

.1P – annotated in red pen ‘MAJ Williams Technology Awards’