Document - Arthur J. Pattison, 1962

Historical information

South African (Boer) War Memorial Bendigo
The monument commemorates those who died in service or were killed in action while serving in the South African (Boer) War. It is a bronze statue of a soldier on a granite base.
There was a large assemblage on the afternoon of 11th November, when the ceremony of unveiling the soldiers' memorial statue was performed by Brigadier-General Gordon in the presence of a muster of branches of the defence forces. The statue, which is in bronze, is mounted on a massive granite base, on the foot of which is the following inscription: — "Bendigo's tribute to the memory of the Australian soldiers who, in the South African war of 1899 - 1902 gave their lives for Queen and Empire. The statue was modelled by Mr.J. Walker, a young Bendigonian, who has been studying for two or three years under Mr. A. T. Woodward art instructor at the local school of mines.
Leader (Melbourne), 19 November 1904.
Ola Cohn recalled in her autobiography meeting John Walker as a sculpture student at the Bendigo School of Mines and that he had later received the commission for the Boer War Memorial although she neglects to mention its location.
John Walker worked as a sculptor in both Bendigo and West Brunswick before turning to chicken farming in the Bendigo suburb of White Hills. John Walker born in Bendigo and first studied sculpture at the Bendigo School of Art. Walker then went to England to study at the Royal College of Art London, and in Paris at the Collarossi and Julian Academies.
The photo of A. T. Pattinson was taken by George Leake Massingham, a professional photographer, who had seven children, one of whom died at birth. After arriving in Australia from England, he established himself as a travelling photographer, an occupation he continued after his marriage. He travelled throughout country Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales, setting up studios along the way. The family ended up moving with him, travelling to Sydney, Narrandera, Bendigo, Newtown, Geelong and Deniliquin.

Physical description

Correspondence re Boer War Memorial Bendigo
Boer War Memorial Bendigo Letters and photo from and to Mrs Wilson, eldest daughter of Mr Arthur T. Pattinson who was a model for the Boer War sculpture.
10570.1a A restored black and white photo of Trooper Arthur T. Pattinson by BHS Volunteers
10570.1b The original photo as sent by Mrs Wilson to Harold Curnow (Bendigo Historical Society) in 1962. The photo is mount on heavy brown cardboard and has an old catalogue number of "P680" inscribed on it. The cardboard is torn and held together with sticky tape. On the front in italics is printed G.L. Massingham, Bendigo.
10570.1c Notes on the rear of the photo from Mrs Wilson state "that the photo is of Arthur T. Pattinson (Rusty), an Australian Light Horse trooper who served in the Boer War. The Boer War Memeorial in Pall Mall Bendigo represents a trooper on guard. The sculpture was Jack Walker who used Pattinson as a model; and it is regarded as an excellent likeness."
10570.1d A letter from Harold Curnow back to Mrs Wilson on Jan 4th 1963 acknowledging receipt of the photo and a letter received, noting the significance of the historical information.
10570.1e Handwritten letter 29/11/1962 from Mrs Wilson to Mr Curnow introducing herself as Mr Pattinson's eldest daughter and answering the letter he wrote to her father. She mentions the bad health of her parents. Arthur modelled for the statue at least two to three times per week in a studio on the top floor of a building in Bull St. He was the original model to the best of her knowledge. Another model possibly Mr P. Handmear may have sat as a model for renovations (*). The rifle was a light horse rifle issued to Pattinson as he was still serving in 1904. Arthur and Handmear were boys together and very close. * Note - the plaster model was repaired prior to casting in metal.
10570.1f An obituary notice : 18/11/64 "On Nov 17 at Frankston, Emma, wife of the late A. T. Pattinson (Rusty), late of Bendigo.
10570.1g Letter Nov 20th 1962 from Harold Curnow to Mr Arthur T. Pattinson, Kent St., Mornington, Vic. The Letter Below:
"Dear Mr Pattinson,
Last week your brother, Brit., whom I have known for many yers, supplied the Bendigo Advertiser with some interesting information regarding your role as the model for the late Jack Walker when he was making the statue for the Boer War Memorial here.
Yesterday however, another claimant to the distinction of being the model was advanced in the Bendigo Advertiser by Mr Richard Marshall, of Moran Street, Bendigo who said that the soldier's model was Phillip Handmear. I understand that your brother has sent the newspaper cuttings on to you. When he called to see me yesterday, he suggested that I write to you for further particulars.
Can you recall the discussion you had with Jack Walker when he approached you about acting as the model and do you remember how many times you posed for him, and whether the work was done in the house, in the yard, or in one of the outbuildings at Moran Street? In short, any details at all.
At this point in time we are considering an interesting facet in Bendigo's history, so any seemingly unimportant incidents could really be useful if we knew about them.
Have you any old newspaper cuttings mentioning your name in connection with the memorial? Do you remember and remarks that passed between you and Jack walker during the long sessions you must have put in on this work? This could be very important. And do tyou recall where the rifle cam from? Did you or Jack Walker borrow it from the military authorities?
Back in 1934 Jack Walker recalled having had to pull the plaster model down and remake it when he discovered it was slightly off-balance and was slowly toppling forward. He told me he had to get his model to pose again. Do you know anything about this? Could it have been that he got Mr. Handmear in for the final stage of the work? That, of course, would apply only if you were not available. Incidentally, I never heard of Mr Hardmear until I saw his name in yesterday's "Advertiser".
In any case I intended contacting your brother or you to enquire whether any member of your fmily has an old photograph of you in your Boer War uniform, that is, one taken about the time of or just after the Boer War. I am sure that members of the Bendigo Branch of the Royal Historical Society would be most interested to see it.
I hope you will have the time and inclination to consider the many points I have raised in this letter because the subject has aroused a lot of interest in Bendigo.
Hoping you are well and quite as active as you wish, I remain, with all good wishes, Yours sincerely, Harold Curnow".

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