Historical information
A property illustration by Margaret Picken Commissioned by the real estate agency Woodards Blackburn for the purpose of advertising 25 Hampshire Rd., Forest Hill.
This property is listed as having sold for $104,000 in 1996.
Since the time of sale in 1996 the house on the property has been demolished and a new house built on the site.
Made by using Rotring ‘Rapidigraph’ drafting pens with Rotring ink on Rapidigraph polyester drafting film, double matte.
Trained as a cartographic draftsman within the mining industry, Margaret Picken is an artist who worked producing property illustrations for real estate agencies in eastern suburbs of Victoria from 1983-2005. Retiring from the industry as technological changes favored coloured photography over illustrations, and commissioning companies over sole contractors.
This artwork is of Historical Significance as a record of local domestic architecture.
Physical description
A black ink line drawing on drafters film by Margaret Picken, of 25 Hampshire Rd., Forest Hill. Depicting in the foreground a horizontal timber plank fence on the left, and a curving driveway on the right leading to a connected carport. In the background is a small house.
There are two hole punch holes just right of centre on the upper edge.
There is a 0.5x0.5 mark on the top half of the right edge
Inscriptions & markings
25 Hampshire Rd., Forest Hill
Margaret Picken - 95
Woodards B/Burn
- 25 Hampshire Rd., Forest Hill, Online Real Estate Listing Realestate.com.au online real estate listing of 25 Hampshire Rd., Forest Hill, with past and projected information about the address.
- Margaret Picken Provenance Document ISBN/ISSN: ND7732 Information supplied by the artist on the collection upon acquisition
- Margaret Picken Deed of Gift Form ISBN/ISSN: Receipt Number 730 The Deed of Gift Form filled out the donor upon acquisition. Contains brief description of the donation, by Margaret Picken the artist and donor.