Sculpture - Statue of Shakyamuni Buddha

Historical information

The Shakyamuni Buddha statue holds profound significance in Buddhism, representing the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, who lived around 2,500 years ago.


The statue portrays Shakyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, who attained enlightenment and shared his teachings to help others achieve the same. For practitioners, the Shakyamuni Buddha statue serves as a focal point during meditation, promoting mindfulness, peace, and a deeper connection to the Buddha's teachings.

Physical description

The Buddha is depicted seating in meditation on a lotus throne. His legs are crossed in the lotus position. His right hand is holding an alms bowl, signifying care and compassion for all beings. His left hand touches the ground in a gesture (bhumisparsha mudra) calling the earth to witness his determination to achieve enlightenment.

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