Historical information

In the Middle Ages double-acting bellows was introduced. It had 2 parts, one operated by hand or foot, the other took air from it and was weighted so it forced air out while the part was filling. Blacksmithing is the shaping of hot iron and steel, usually by hammering. Very hot fires were produced by 1.a hot air blast. 2. burning charcoal (not wood). Bellows were used to make tools, fix equipment including machinery, drays, carriages, harnesses etc.


Farmers in the Kiewa Valley often had their blacksmith forge. They made their own tools, were able to mend equipment, drays etc., gates, and most items that were made of iron and steel.

Physical description

Large Double Acting bellow with wooden top and bottom, shaped like a 'water drop' - narrow at one end and broad at the other. The wood is held by strips of wood and leather bound and placed around the perimeter. The wood on the top side has inscriptions (illegible). The wood on the bottom side has a rectangular hole. The narrow end feeds into a pipe to enable the fire to receive a hot blast of air. When the bellow is squeezed it allows both pieces of wood to be pushed together.

Inscriptions & markings
