Album - Ringer's River by Des Martin - Plate 13 - A police informant and a trap avoided

Historical information

Through his position as a stockagent's clerk Billy, a proper dingo if ever there was one, is able to learn that some of the cattlemen intend to beat the duty by swimming their newly bought cattle back to Victoria.
Sneaking down the back alley to the Police Station he sells this information to the authorities.
Only Lennie, the halfwit roustabout from the store, follows and observes him, and, by riding O'Day's horse out of town, prevents his friend from travelling with the drovers who get caught in the police trap.
W.O. Tom Foster as a N.S.W. trooper.


The album and images are significant because they document literature written by a prominent member of the Wodonga community. The presentation of this precis was supported by several significant district families and individuals.

Physical description

Ringer's River Album Coloured photo Plate 13

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