Album - Ringer's River by Des Martin - Plate 3 - MacLough wants O'Day as manager of Gooloora

Historical information

O'Day is just finishing the job when his boss and the jackeroo arrive. MacLough orders Apperton to complete the work and ride O'Day's horse home while the young horse boy-cum-stockman drives him back to the homestead.
On the way he says to O'Day, "You told me yesterday that you would be manager of Gooloora today." Sean replies that, as MacLough well knew, that was just a joke.
"No joke to me O'Day," says MacLough. "I've sacked Neilson and you are now my manager on this property."


The album and images are significant because they document literature written by a prominent member of the Wodonga community. The presentation of this precis was supported by several significant district families and individuals.

Physical description

Ringer's River Album Coloured photo Plate 3

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