Physical description

Jacket - Khaki colour wool serge fabric. Battle Dress style with belt at waist. Brown metal buttons with shank and split pin. Buttons have raised emblem - map of Australa and Crown and lettering "AUSTRALIAN MILITARY FORCES". Collar, shoulder epaulettes, four front pockets with button down flaps, sleeve cuffs.
Unit colour patch insignia - handmade purple over red - 38th Battalion. Collar badges - metal - Rising Sun Badge. Shoulder epaulettes - metal "AUSTRALIA" badge.
Manufacturers white cotton fabric label - inside right pocket.

Inscriptions & markings

Manufacturers information on two labels. Black ink print - "REGIMENTAL NO./NAME" Red ink print - "V162/ MADE IN/ AUSTRALIA/ 1942/ size".
Handwritten black ink pen "XXX/ 20X"