Document - Report, C. N. Govett, A. E. Twentyman, "A story of the Melbourne Cable Tramway System - 11th November 1885 to 26th October 1940", 1973

Historical information

Report or history Melbourne's cable trams written by Neville Govett and Alf Twentynan, two recognised historians on Melbourne cable trams. The book looks at the Engine Houses, cables in detail, route colours, grips, shunting, the various lines and how they operated, fares, annual reports, notes, and fare collection. Includes information on the operators, See item 1885 for another copy and a full scan of the document.


Yields information about the operation and history of Melbourne's cable trams.

Physical description

Report - black comb bound, 230 approx. pages, photocopied from an original, loose sheets foolscap sheets photocopied from an original manuscript by C. N. Govett and A. E. Twentyman - 1973

Inscriptions & markings

On page 3 in ink "To my friend John, with Best Wishes Neville Govett, 28 Apr 86". On a label on the outside of the comb binding "The Melbourne cable tram system" is a Dymo machine label.

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