Physical description

Notice to Shareholders registered under the law relating to Industrial and Provident Societies, detailing 18 by-laws regarding handling of fruit and equipment at Ringwood Cool Store, dated March 7th 1944, by order J.G. Aird, Secretary.

Inscriptions & markings

Shareholders will be held personally responsible for their Servants or any person to whom they let space. These By-Laws will be strictly enforced. On the third infringement of the By-Laws the offending Shareholder will be liable to be dealt with under Rule 12, viz.- "The Committee, subject to the approval of the next ensuing General Meeting, shall have power to expel any member whose conduct in its opinion is or was injurious to the interests of the Society, and in such case the Committee may pay to such member the amount paid on his Shares in the Society." Ringwood Mail Print, Phone 65.